155 Famous Women’s Name of The Bible

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155 Famous Women’s Name of The Bible

Anna the Prophetess – aged Jewish prophetess who prophesied about Jesus at the Temple of Jerusalem. Luke. 155 Famous Women’s Name of The Bible

Abigail – wife of the wicked Nabal, who became a wife of David after Nabal’s death. I Samuel 25

  • Abigail – mother of Amasa, Sister of David. I Chronicles 2:15-17
  • Abihail #1 – wife of Abishur and mother of Ahban and Molid. I Chronicles
  • Abihail #2 – wife of king Rehoboam II Chronicles
  • Abishag – concubine of aged King David. I Kings
  • Abital – one of King David’s wives II Samuel; I Chronicles
  • Achsah (or Acsah) – daughter of Caleb. When Caleb promised her to Othniel in marriage, she requested that he increase her dowry to include not only land, but springs of water as well. Joshua, Judges, I Chronicles
  • Adah – Adah # 1 – wife of Lamech, Genesis
  • Adah – Adah #2 – daughter of Elon, the Hittite and one of the wives of Esau. Possibly the original name of Bashemath. Genesis
  • Ahinoam #1 – wife of King Saul, mother of Michal (wife of King David) I Samuel
  • Ahinoam #2 – one of King David’s wives, mother of Amnon. I Samuel; II Samuel; I Chronicles
  • Aholibamah (or Oholibamah) – Daughter of Anah and one of Esau’s wives. Also called Judith. Genesis

 Anna the Prophetess – aged Jewish prophetess who prophesied about Jesus at the Temple of Jerusalem. Luke

  • Asenath – Egyptian wife of Joseph. Genesis
  • Ashtoreth – Ancient Near Eastern goddess that is mentioned in Judges, 1 Kings, and 2 Kings
  • Atarah – second wife of Jerahmeel. I Chronicles
  • Athaliah – Queen of Judah during the reign of King Jehoram, and later became sole ruler of Judah for five years. II Kings, II Chronicles
  • Azubah #1 – Caleb’s wife. I Chronicles
  • Azubah #2 – wife of King Asa, 3rd king of Judah, and mother of Jehoshaphat. I Kings, II Chronicles

 Bathsheba – Wife of Uriah the Hittite and later of David, king of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah. She was the mother of Solomon, who succeeded David as king. II Samuel, I Kings, I Chronicles

  • Baara – Moabitess, wife of Shaharaim. I Chronicles
  • Basemeth #1 – daughter of Elon, the Hittite, One of the wives of Esau. Genesis
  • Basemeth #2 – daughter of Ishmael and 3rd wife of Esau. Genesis
  • Basemeth #3 – daughter of Solomon, wife of Ahimaaz. I Kings
  • Berenice – sister of King Agrippa Acts 25:13; Acts 25:23 and Acts 26:30
  • Bilhah – Rachel’s handmaid and a concubine of Jacob who bears him two sons, Dan and Naphtali. Genesis
  • Bithiah – Pharaoh’s daughter (Exodus). Also identified with/as Asiya in Muslim interpretations. Wife of Mered, a descendant of Judah. 1 Chronicles 4
  • Candace – Ethiopian queen; a eunuch under her authority and in charge of her treasury, was witnessed by Philip the Evangelist, led to God and baptized. Acts
  • Chloe – mentioned in Corinthians. Means “Green herb”.
  • Claudia – greeted by Paul the Apostle. 2 Timothy
  • Cozbi – A Midianite princess who was killed by Phinehas (grandson of Aaron) because her evil influence was seen as the source of a plague among the Israelites according to Numbers 25.

Damaris. Acts

  • Deborah #1 – Nursemaid to Rebekah and later to Jacob and Esau. Genesis

Deborah #2 – Prophetess and the fourth, and the only female, Judge of pre–monarchic Israel in the Old Testament. Judges

Delilah – The “woman in the valley of Sorek” who Samson loved. Judges

  • Dinah – Daughter of Jacob, one of the patriarchs of the Israelites and Leah, his first wife. Genesis
  • Dorcas, also known as Tabitha. Acts
  • Drusilla – A Jewess mentioned in Acts 24:24.

Esther (her Hebrew name was Hadassah) – Queen of the Persian Empire in the Hebrew Bible, the queen of Ahasuerus. Esther

Eglah – One of King David’s wives. II Samuel, I Chronicles

Elisabeth – Mother of John the Baptist and the wife of Zacharias. Luke

Elisheba – Wife of Aaron. Exodus

  • Ephah – one of the concubines of Caleb (prince of Judah) I Chronicles
  • Ephrath – Second wife of Caleb (the spy) I Chronicles
  • Eunice – mother of Timothy
  • Euodia – Christian of the church in Philippi

Eve – First woman, wife of Adam. Genesis

Hannah – A prophetess and worshipper at Jerusalem. Mother of Samuel. I Samuel

  • Gomer – Wife of Hosea and a prostitute. Hosea
  • Hagar – Egyptian handmaiden of Sarah, wife of Abraham. Hagar became the mother of one of Abraham’s sons, Ishmael. Genesis
  • Herodia Haggith – Wife of King David, mother of Adoniyah II Samuel, I Kings, I Chronicles
  • Hammolekheth – possibly rules over a portion of Gilead. I Chronicles
  • Hamutal – Wife of Josiah and mother of “ungodly” sons Jehoahaz and Mattaniah. II Kings, Jeremiah
  • Helah – I Chronicles Hephziba – Wife of King Hezekiah and mother of Manasseh, who undid Hezekiah’s good works. II Kings
  • Hodesh – one of the wives of Shaaraim I Chronicles
  • Hodiah’s wife – I Chronicles
  • Hogla (or Hoglah) – One of the five daughters of Zelophehad who fought and won the right to inherit their deceased father’s property. Numbers, Joshua
  • Huldah – Prophetess II Kings, II Chronicles
  • Hushim – One of the wives of Shaharaim I Chronicles

Iscah – Daughter of Abraham’s younger brother Haran Genesis

  • Jael – Heroine who killed Sisera to deliver Israel from the troops of king Jabin. She was the wife of Heber the Kenite. Judges
  • Jecholiah (or Jecoliah) – Wife of Amaziah (King of Judah) and mother of Uzziah. II Kings, II Chronicles
  • Jedidah – Wife of wicked king Manessah and mother of Josiah. II Kings
  • Jehoaddan (or Jehoaddin) – II Kings, II Chronicles
  • Jehosheba (or Jehoshabeath/Josaba) – Daughter of Jehoram and wife of Jehoiada. She saved her nephew Jehoash from massacre. II Kings
  • Jemima – One of Job’s daughters. Job
  • Jerioth – Wife of Caleb (son of Hezron) I Chronicles

Hazelelponi – Daughter of Etam, tribe of Judah I Chronicles

  • Jerusha – Daughter of Zadok, a priest, wife of King Uzziah and mother of Jotham. II Kings, I Chronicles, II Chronicles
  • Jezebel #1 – Queen of ancient Israel. I Kings, II Kings
  • Jezebel #2 – false prophetess. Revelation
  • Jochebed – Mother of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. Exodus, Numbers
  • Judith – Hittite wife of Esau. Genesis[91] Julia – Minor character in the New testament Romans
  • Junia or Junias – Regarded highly by St. Paul in Romans. An apostle.
  • Keren–Happuch – One of Job’s daughters. Job
  • Keturah – Wife of Abraham after Sarah’s death. Genesis, I Chronicles
  • Keziah – Second daughter of Job. Job
  • Leah – First wife of Jacob who was given to him in place of Rachel whom he loved. Genesis, Ruth

Lois, grandmother of Saint Timothy. II Timothy

  • Lo–Ruhamah – Daughter of Hosea and Gomer. Hosea
  • Lydia of Thyatira – the first converted believer after the resurrection, and the first to introduce it to her household. She was a successful business woman and she was pivotal to the spread of the name of Jesus. Acts

Joanna – One of the women who went to prepare Jesus’ body for burial. Luke

  • Maacah, the daughter of King Talmi of Geshur, was married to King David and bore him his son Absalom. 2 Samuel 3:3 [also spelled Maakah]
  • Maacah – 2nd wife of King Rehoboam.
  • Mother of Abijah, Attai, Ziza and Shelomith.
  • Rehoboam loved Maacah more than any other of his wives or concubines. “II Chronicles”
  • Maacah #2 – Sister of Makir, father of Gilead. Mentioned one verse later is Maker’s wife, also named Maacah. “I Chronicles”
  • Mahalath – daughter of Ishmael and 3rd wife of Esau. Genesis
  • Mahalath – granddaughter of David and the first wife of King Rehoboam. II Chronicles
  • Mahlah – one of the daughters of Zelophehad Numbers, Joshua

Martha – Luke, John

Mary – Mother of Jesus. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Galatians

Mary the mother of James and Joses (or Joseph). Matthew

Mary the mother of John Mark Acts

Mary the sister of Martha. Luke, John

Mary the wife of Cleophas. John

Mary who was greeted by Paul. Romans

Mary Magdalene – Disciple of Jesus Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

  • Mahlah – I Chronicles
  • Matred – Genesis, I Chronicles
  • Medium of EnDor – 1 Samuel 28
  • Mehetabel – daughter of Matred. Genesis; I Chronicles
  • Merab – King Saul’s oldest daughter. I Samuel
  • Me-Zahab – Mother of Matred, grandmother of Mehetabel.”Genesis, I Chronicles”
  • Michal – daughter of Saul and wife of David. I Samuel, II Samuel, I Chronicles
  • Milcah – wife of Nahor and daughter of Haran. Genesis
  • Milcah – one of the daughters of Zelophehad. Numbers, Joshua

Miriam – Moses’ sister. Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, I Chronicles

Miriam – Woman of Judah. I Chronicles

  • Mother of King Lemuel – mother of King Lemuel that gave him the prophetic instruction that became Proverbs 31
  • Naamah – Sister of Tubal-cain. Genesis
  • Naamah – Mother of King Rehoboam. “II Chronicles”
  • Naarah – wife of Asher, tribe of Judah. I Chronicles

Naomi – Mother–in–law to Ruth. Ruth

  • Noa – daughter of Zelophehad. Numbers
  • Noadiah – prophetess. Nehemiah

Orpah – Sister-in-law to Ruth. Ruth

  • Peninnah – Wife of Elkanah. I Samuel
  • Persis – a “woman who has worked hard in the Lord” whom Paul the Apostle greeted. Romans.
  • Phoebe – A deaconess of the church of Cenchrea. Romans

Priscilla – Wife of Aquila, and missionary partner to Paul the Apostle. Acts, Romans, I Corinthians, II Timothy

  • Puah – one of two midwives who saved the Hebrew boys. Exodus

Rachel – Second wife of Jacob, and sister of Leah. Mother of Joseph and Benjamin. Genesis, I Samuel, Jeremiah, Matthew

Rahab – of Jericho. Joshua, Matthew, Hebrews, James

Rebekah – Wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. Genesis, Romans

  • Reumah – concubine of Abraham’s brother Nahor. Genesis
  • Rhoda – Acts
  • Rizpah – daughter of Aiah and one of the concubines of King Saul. II Samuel

Ruth – Boaz and Ruth get married and have a son named Obed. Obed is the descendant of Perez, the son of Judah, and the grandfather of (king) David. Ruth, Matthew

Salome #1 – daughter of Herodias. Name in Hebrew reads שלומית (Shlomit) and is derived from Shalom שלום, meaning “peace”. Matthew, Mark

Salome #2 – A follower of Jesus present at his crucifixion as well as the empty tomb. Mark

Samaritan woman at the well, or Photine is a well known figure from the Gospel of John Sapphira – Acts

Sarah #1 – wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac. Her name was originally “Sarai”. According to Genesis 17:15 God changed her name to Sarah as part of a covenant with Yahweh after Hagar bore Abraham a son Ishmael. Genesis, Isaiah, Romans, Galatians, Hebrews, I Peter

  • Sarah #2 – wife of Tobias. Tobit
  • Sheerah – founded three towns. Descendant of Ephraim. I Chronicles
  • Shelomit – mother of blasphemer. Leviticus
  • Shelomith – daughter of Zerubbabel, sister of Meshullam and Hananiah. I Chronicles Shiphrah – one of two midwives who saved the Hebrew boys. Exodus
  • Shua – daughter of Heber mentioned in 1 Chronicles 7.

Susanna #1 – a woman who was nearly sentenced to death due to false adultery accusations before being saved by Daniel. Daniel

Susanna #2 – A follower of Jesus. Luke

  • Syntyche – Christian of the church in Philippi mentioned with Euodia
  • Tahpenes – an Egyptian queen mentioned in the First Book of Kings.
  • Tamar #1 – daughter-in-law of Judah, as well as the mother of two of his children, the twins Zerah and Perez. Genesis
  • Tamar #2 – daughter of King David, and sister of Absalom. Her mother was Maacah, daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur. II Samuel
  • Tamar #3 – daughter of David’s son Absalom. II Samuel
  • Taphath – daughter of Solomon

Tharbis – according to Josephus, a Cushite princess who married Moses prior to his marriage to Zipporah as told in the Book of Exodus. This name is not found in the Bible, and there is debate on if “the Kushite” refers to Zipporah herself or a second woman (Tharbis).

  • Timnah (or Timna) – concubine of Eliphaz and mother of Amalek. Genesis
  • Tirzah – one of the daughters of Zelophehad. Numbers, Joshua
  • Tabitha (Acts 9:36) – from Joppa, Tabitha was always doing good and helping the poor. AKA ‘Dorcas’ Tryphena and Tryphosa of Rome is a Christian woman mentioned in Romans 16:12 of the Bible (“Salute Tryphena and Tryphosa, who labour in the Lord.” KJV)
  • Vashti – queen, and wife of King Ahasuerus. Esther
  • Zibiah – mother of Joash Zeresh – wife of Haman. Esther
  • Zeruiah – daughter or stepdaughter of Jesse of the Tribe of Judah, was an older sister of King David.

Zeruiah had three sons, Abishai, Joab, and Asahel, all of whom were soldiers in David’s army. II Samuel, I Chronicles

  • Zillah – wife of Lamech and the mother of Tubal-cain and Naamah. Genesis
  • Zilpah – Leah’s handmaid who becomes a wife of Jacob and bears him two sons Gad and Asher. Genesis
  • Zipporah – wife of Moses, daughter of Jethro. Exodus
  • Zuleika – Potiphar’s wife and Asenath’s mother. Asenath married Joseph, so she is the grandmother of Ephraim and Manasseh (Tribe of Joseph). She is given no name in the Bible, but is known as Zuleika (among other spellings) in Islamic and Jewish traditions.

The Bible

  • 1. The Bible
  • 2. Samuel 25
  • 3. I Chronicles 2:29
  • 4. II Chronicles 11:18
  • 5. I Kings 1:3,4; 2:13–25
  • 6. II Samuel 3:4
  • 7. I Chronicles 3:3
  • 8. Joshua 15:16-19
  • 9. Judges 1:12-13
  • 10. I Chronicles 2:49
  • 11. Genesis 4:19-23
  • 12. Genesis 26:34; 36:2
  • 13. I Samuel 14:50
  • 14. I Samuel 25:43; 27:3; 30:5, 18
  • 15. II Samuel 2:2; 3:2
  • 16. I Chronicles 3:1
  • 17. Genesis 36:2–25
  • 18. Luke 2:36–38
  • 19. Genesis 41:45–50; 46:20
  • 20. I Chronicles 2:26
  • 21. II Kings 8:26; 11
  • 22. II Chronicles 22; 23:13–21; 24:7
  • 23. I Chronicles 2:18–19
  • 24. I King 22:42
  • 25. II Chronicles 20:31
  • 26. I Chronicles 8:8
  • 27. Genesis 26:34; 36:10
  • 28. Genesis 28:9; 36:3, 4, 13, 17
  • 29. I Kings 4:15
  • 30. II Samuel 11:2,3; 12:24
  • 31. I Kings 1:11–31; 2:13–19
  • 32. I Chronicles 3:5
  • 33. Genesis 30:3–5, 35:25
  • 34. 1 Chronicles 4:18
  • 35. Acts 8:27
  • 36. 2 Timothy 4:21
  • 37. Numbers 25:6–18
  • 38. Shectman, Sarah (2009). Women in the
  • 39. Acts 17:34
  • 40. Genesis 35:8
  • 41. Judges 4–5
  • 42. Judges 16:4–21
  • 43. Genesis 34
  • 44. Acts 9:36-42
  • 45. II Samuel 3:5
  • 46. Luke 1:5–80
  • 47. Exodus 6:23
  • 48. I Chronicles 2:46
  • 49. I Chronicles 2:19
  • 50. Esther (entire book)
  • 51. 2 Timothy 1:5
  • 52. Philippians 4:2
  • 53. Genesis 2–3
  • 54. Hosea 1:1–11; 3:1–5
  • 55. Genesis 16: 21:9–17; 25:12
  • 56. II Samuel 3:4,5
  • 57. I Kings 1:5, 11, 2:13
  • 58. I Chronicles 3:2
  • 59. I Chronicles 7:18
  • 60. II Kings 23:31; 24:18
  • 61. Jeremiah 52:1,2
  • 62. I Samuel 1:2, 5-20, 22-28; 2:1-10, 19-21
  • 63. I Chronicles 4:3
  • 64. I Chronicles 4:5,7
  • 65. II Kings 21:1
  • 66. I Chronicles 8:8,9
  • 67. I Chronicles 4:19
  • 68. Numbers 26:33; 27:1–11; 36:1–12
  • 69. Joshua 17:3
  • 70. II Kings 22:14–20
  • 71. II Chronicles 34:22–33
  • 72. I Chronicles 8:8, 11
  • 73. Genesis 11:29
  • 74. Judges 4:17–22; 5:6,24–27
  • 75. II Kings 15:2
  • 76. II Chronicles 26:3
  • 77. II Kings 22:1,2
  • 78. II Kings 14:2
  • 79. II Chronicles 25:1
  • 80. II Kings 11:2
  • 81. Job 42:14
  • 82. I Chronicles 2:18
  • 83. II Kings 15:33
  • 84. II Chronicles 27:1
  • 85. I Kings 16:31; 18:4–19; 19:1,2; 21:5–25
  • 86. II Kings 9 87. Revelation 2:20-23
  • 88. Luke 8:2-3
  • 89. Exodus 1; 2:1–11; 6:20
  • 90. Numbers 26:59
  • 91. Genesis 26:34
  • 92. Romans 16:15
  • 93. Romans 16:7
  • 94. Job 1:2; 42:14
  • 95. Genesis 25:1–6
  • 96. I Chronicles 1:32, 33
  • 97. Genesis 29; 30; 49:31
  • 98. Ruth 4:11
  • 99. II Timothy 1:5
  • 100. Hosea 1:6,8
  • 101. Acts 16:14–15
  • 102. II Chronicles 11:20-22
  • 103. 1611 King James Bible.
  • 104. I Chronicles 7:15-16
  • 105. Genesis 28:9
  • 106. II Chronicles 11:18
  • 107. Numbers 26:33; 27:1; 36:11
  • 108. Luke 10:38-42
  • 109. John 11:1, 5, 19-28, 30, 38-40; 12:2
  • 110. Matthew 1:16; 1:18-25; 2:11; 2:13-23; 12:46-50; 13:55
  • 111. Mark 3:31-35; 6:3
  • 112. Luke 1:26-38, 39-45, 46-56; 2:4-7, 16-20, 22-24, 33-35, 39-40, 41-52; 8:19-21
  • 113. John 2:1-5, 12; 6:42; 19:25-27
  • 114. Acts 1:14
  • 115. Galatians 4:4
  • 116. Matthew 27:56
  • 117. Acts 12:6-19
  • 118. John 11:1-2
  • 119. John 19:25
  • 120. Romans 16:6
  • 121. Matthew 27:55-56; 27:61; 28:1-11
  • 122. Mark 15:40-41, 47; 16:1-8
  • 123. Luke 8:2-3; 24:10
  • 124. John 19:25; 20:1-2, 11-18
  • 125. Genesis 36:39
  • 126. I Chronicles 1:50
  • 127. 1 Samuel 28
  • 128. I Samuel 14:49; 18:17, 19
  • 129. “Genesis 36:39”
  • 130. “I Chronicles 1:50”
  • 131. I Samuel 14:49; 17:25; 18:20, 25, 27-28; 19:11-14, 17; 25:44
  • 132. II Samuel 3:13-16; 6:16, 20-23
  • 133. I Chronicles 15:29
  • 134. “Genesis 22:20”
  • 135. Exodus 2:4, 7-9; 15:20-21
  • 136. Numbers 12:1, 4-5, 10, 12, 14-15; 20:1; 26:59
  • 137. Deuteronomy 24:9
  • 138. I Chronicles 6:3
  • 139. Micah 6:4;
  • 140. 1 Chronicles 4:17
  • 141. Genesis 4:22
  • 142. II Chronicles 12:13
  • 143. I Chronicles 4:5-6
  • 144. Ruth 1:1-3, 5-8, 10-22; 2:1-2, 6, 11, 18-20, 22-23; 3:1-6, 16-18; 4:3, 5, 9, 14-17 145. Numbers 26:33
  • 146. Nehemiah 6:14
  • 147. Ruth 1:4, 6-15
  • 148. I Samuel 1:2, 4, 6-7;
  • 149. Romans 16:12
  • 150. Romans 16:1
  • 151. Acts 18:2, 18-19, 26
  • 152. Romans 16:3-4
  • 153. I Corinthians 16:19
  • 154. II Timothy 4:19
  • 155. Exodus 1:15
  • 156. Genesis 29:6, 9-13, 16-18, 20-21, 25, 27- 30, 31; 30:1-8, 14-15, 22-25; 31:4, 14, 17, 19, 26, 28, 31-35, 41, 43, 50, 55; 32:22; 33:1-2, 5, 7; 35:16-20, 24; 37:10; 43:29; 44:27; 46:19, 22, 25; 48:7
  • 157. I Samuel 10:2
  • 158. Jeremiah 31:15
  • 159. Matthew 2:18
  • 160. Joshua 2:1-24; 6:17, 22-23, 25
  • 161. Matthew 1:5;
  • 162. Hebrews 11:31
  • 163. James 2:25
  • 164. Genesis 21:23; 24:15-67; 25:20-26, 28; 26:7-10, 35; 27:5-17, 42-46; 28:2, 5, 7; 29:10, 13; 35:8
  • 165. Romans 9:10
  • 166. Genesis 22:24
  • 167. Acts 12:13-15
  • 168. II Samuel 3:7
  • 169. Ruth 1:1-4:22 (entire book)
  • 170. Matthew 1:5
  • 171. Matthew 14:6-12
  • 172. Mark 6:21-29
  • 173. Mark 15:40, 16:1
  • 174. Acts 5:1-11
  • 175. Genesis 11:29-31; 12:5, 11-20; 13:1; 16:1- 6, 8-9; 17:15-17, 19, 21; 18:6, 9-15; 20:2-7, 11-14, 16, 18; 21:1-3, 6-7, 9-10, 12; 23:1-3, 19; 24:36; 25:10, 12; 49:31
  • 176. Isaiah 51:2
  • 177. Romans 4:19; 9:9
  • 178. Galatians 4:22-24, 26, 30-31
  • 179. Hebrews 11:11
  • 180. I Peter 3:6
  • 181. Tobit 3:7, 10, 17; 6:11-12; 7:8-10, 12, 16; 8:4; 10:10-12; 11:15, 17; 12:12, 14
  • 182. 1 Chronicles 7:24
  • 183. Leviticus 24:11
  • 184. I Chronicles 3:19
  • 185. Luke 8:3
  • 186. Philippians 4:2-3
  • 187. Genesis 38
  • 188. II Samuel 13
  • 189. II Samuel 14:27
  • 190. I Kings 4:11
  • 191. Genesis 36:12
  • 192. Esther 1:9, 11-12, 15-19; 2:4, 17
  • 193. Esther 5:10-14; 6:13-14
  • 194. II Samuel 17:25; 19:21-22; 21:17; 23:18
  • 195. I Chronicles 2:16
  • 196. Genesis 4:19, 22-23
  • 197. [Genesis] 29:24; 30:9-13, 18; 31:33; 32:22; 33:1-2, 5-6; 35:26; 37:2; 46:18
  • 198. Exodus 2:21-22; 4:20, 25-26; 18:2, 5-6



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